From Marc Miletich

Dear Family and Friends of Paul-

Thank you for letting us know about Paul. As a group of filmmakers- and media producers based in Vienna, Austria, we worked together in the early 90s in a company called MISSING LINK movie research group. In this framework we had the honour to bring Paul as a teacher and as a director to Austria. For all of us the encounter with Paul was a major milestone in our careers. This was more than 25years ago. Until today we often refer to him as a teacher and mentor.

Attached you find a photograph of Paul from 1992. This picture delivered the blueprint for what later became a key visual in Paul’s communication, his Avatar, so to speak. So next to what Paul gave to us in his seminars there is something we actually co-created together, something that Paul liked as much as we did, something that connected us over all those years. For us it’s like a label that says PAUL GRAY INSIDE – and always meant a lot to us! It covered the wide range from KEY SHOT CLUSTER to MUFKY FUFKY…

Paul always shared his great sense of humour WITH us and showed a big heart FOR us – for this group of quite young filmmakers back then. We all share a vivid memory of Paul and think of him with great respect, gratitude and sympathy!

Our love to Gretchen, the whole family (I met members of your family at a fair Paul and Gretchen took us to when I was in LA and guest at Paul's house - at least 20 years ago) and his friends from

Marc MIletich, Ip Wischin, Jürgen Margetich, Oliver Kunz, Johannes Zeitelberger and John Lüftner
Former MISSING LINK  movie research group, Vienna, Austria

P.S: Find attached 2 snapshots from Paul's seminars in Vienna in the early 90's. Sorry for the size.

Marc Miletich
Gründer und Geschäftsführer

Sonovista Wirtschaftsdramaturgie
Bennogasse 24/2/14