Ballad wins praise from Zev Braun, twice-nominated Academy Award producer
Here's what twice-nominated Academy Award producer
Zev Braun said of "The Ballad of Dorothy Dunn"
I am honored to be the first to view your newly completed film, “The Ballad of Dorothy Dunn”, and was delighted with what I saw.
The film kept me engrossed from start to finish. I completely identified with the main character as she progressed from light to dark to light again. I thought the acting of this role was extraordinary as the character developed authentically moment to moment throughout the film. The imagery of the motion graphics was stunning while the lyrics of the ballads lent further insight into the narrative.
The film was made entirely out of the Hollywood sphere of influence and is entirely non-derivative of any film I have ever seen. More than highly creative, it was totally original.
I am certain that this unique film will make a significant addition to any independent film festival, and I urge you to pursue that direction.
Warmest regards,
Zev Braun
I am honored to be the first to view your newly completed film, “The Ballad of Dorothy Dunn”, and was delighted with what I saw.
The film kept me engrossed from start to finish. I completely identified with the main character as she progressed from light to dark to light again. I thought the acting of this role was extraordinary as the character developed authentically moment to moment throughout the film. The imagery of the motion graphics was stunning while the lyrics of the ballads lent further insight into the narrative.
The film was made entirely out of the Hollywood sphere of influence and is entirely non-derivative of any film I have ever seen. More than highly creative, it was totally original.
I am certain that this unique film will make a significant addition to any independent film festival, and I urge you to pursue that direction.
Warmest regards,
Zev Braun